As a game designer at heart, I often make pillars to help guide decisions when it comes to my work. Of course, my largest work is my own life.

These are the eight pillars that I have developed and cultivated over many years, from being a young kit to the tanuki I am today. They have been fundamental in me becoming who I am and how I think about things - and of course, me being from the 90s, “rules” must, by law, end with a ‘z’.

  1. Always be chillin’. Your destination is unknown. So smile and wave as you get there!
  2. You are competent! Don’t slash yourself down.
  3. Pull others up, even when it feels weird or wrong to do it.
  4. Lean into the absurdity. This situation is unusual! Find the silly joy in it.
  5. It’s not about living in the music. You will be living in it, so make it a good song!
  6. The road ahead is tough. But you will have the wind at your back, so trust it will work out.
  7. While what you may do may someday be lost to time, the memories you helped make won’t.
  8. Be true to yourself, and to me. You can never unhear your heart now that you hear it.

Ganbatte! Rikuzo! ~ RMAC